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2 days ago

rorcarrot finished Jusant
I liked Jusant, which is a shame, because in the first hour of play, I thought I was going to love it. It has a great vibe, a bit of a mystery you uncover as you climb, and best of all, a killer movement system. The climbing is just so damn satisfying. Its methodical and considered, not unlike real climbing. You must use pitons to anchor your rope and prevent you loosing too much progress after a sketchy jump or messing up your holds. You have to wait to recharge stamina which permanently is reduced after each jump you make during a pitch. It tries to authentically simulate what a climber goes through and it all contributes to this feeling that the challenge will ramp up, but sadly, it never utilities its own mechanics to their full potential. And its such a missed opportunity. There are many small design decisions that make you realise that the devs never really wanted this to be a challenge, you physically cannot fall, which is quite a strange choice for a game about climbing. Instead trying to walk or jump off a ledge reveals an invisible wall around everything, unless you have placed a starting anchor. I was expecting something not completely unlike Breath of the Wild's climbing which can be extremely punishing if you plan your route wrong. I also thoroughly enjoyed Bennet Foddy's 'Getting Over It' and although that is on the extreme end of punishing it creates a fantastic experience that I'm glad i pushed through to finish. Jusant is instead a guided tour of a lovely world but I'm not sure said world is as fleshed out or interesting as perhaps the devs believe it to be. Would love to see someone take heavy inspiration from this game and ramp up both the technical challenge AND the stakes.

2 days ago

rorcarrot is now playing Jusant

11 days ago

rorcarrot is now playing God of War

11 days ago

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