It's a short game, but INCREDIBLY charming and enjoyable. Some of the platforming was a bit frustrating, but it made it all that more sweet when you finally hit the mark.

I want Clarence to be my friend.

Got this game the first week it came out and was SO looking forward to it after it got pushed back from this spring. The game is gorgeous and so much fun to explore! I love bouncing around the world so much and it plays surprisingly smooth for me. And the little fishing helper setting? Mwah, chef's kiss.

But there are some things about the game that drive me a bit batty... namely the fact that mines are such a chore to get through. And even if you've amassed a lot of money, you can't really use it for some cosmetic items unless you ALSO have crafting materials. Like come on, it should be one or the other. Also, I love all the character designs, and the concepts are cool too, but for the most part they feel hollow. It's the same problem as new Animal Crossing - everyone is too nice and does not have much to say at all. I want some attitude!

Currently playing now, am 40 hours in and I've completed the main questline so now I'm going in a completing all the job challenges! Wish I found this game earlier