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spelunky 2 is good all-round.

i was never really one for ambient soundtracks, so i'm kind of disappointed that the bangin' style of the first game's ost didn't make a return. that's the note i'll start off with here.

the gameplay, like spelunky 1, is all there, if not more. the same emergent gameplay, traps, unforgiving difficulty, it's all back and spiffed up! love all that. the game also introduces branching paths as well, but, i'll be honest: why would you take jungle over volcana? or temple over tidepool? they all lead to the same path in the end, so taking the more difficult path is never really an option, unless you're looking for something specific from those areas. the choice seems obvious, so it really baffles me why it's a choice at all. i dunno, maybe i just don't get it?

other than that, the game is great. really fun to play with friends, so give it a shot!

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2023
