FOREBER NAUSEA of GAMING'S SIN _> the water level. a "dude so scary" diluvial expanse of openworldsurvival algo ticking tailored for the personalityless, truly worthless but to those horror accounts recommending david attenborough.

terrifying consequence of indie development is they're allowed to make a game look this wretched without getting pilloried. looks like shutterstock search for "puke"


braid ruined a whole generation of gamers

the original eq owes all of its obfuscated, byzantine, immersive designs to the mannerbund of early d&d and the devil-may-care halcyon days of trailblazing a genre proper. influences are everything; these guys got it perfect

the height of spreadsheet sims outside of paradox, and the only sports title you're allowed to play without getting swirlied by the boys on lan party night