6 reviews liked by s1b

I adore the game's vibe, the aesthetics, the music, the level architecture... even the story. But it's so easy and the whole campaign is such a non-challenge it's kind of a let down honestly. Give me some heat!!!

To me it seems like someone liked JSR a lot but didn't quite like playing it and in an attempt to "fix it" they just neutered both the difficulty and the weight of the movement/physics, so it ends up feeling pretty flat which is kind of a sin for a game based on movement. They went out of their way to put trick elements of THPS into the gameplay, so they KNOW, which makes me even more confused. In the end it feels like it's trying to appeal to those that prefer engaging with JSR at a distance than those that actually play the games.

It's a comfy game. Love the work that went into replicating the originals because it's spot on... but I can't see it having a lot of longevity unless they do a considerable overhaul or a sequel. I'm glad it got so much fanfare because it will send a message, but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

I named my character cocksuka as a joke and I shit myself when the robot said it

used to play this with a guy who later threatened to kill me. fun game

I don’t know how to play this game. Every time my friends play with me they beat me senseless. I’m just sitting here, mashing the buttons, powerless to stop the endless torture. I don’t understand how to play it. I hate this game and I hate gamers. I miss the days where we would just hunt and gather.

I was hospitalized because of this game