God of War 2018

Log Status






Time Played

20h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 1, 2023

Platforms Played


🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time played - 20h
⭐ Score: 3/5 ( an ok game, with some good moments)
📈 Difficulty: easy game
📚 Full Review:

GOW3 is probably one of my all time favorite games. and now i am here with a hot take on GOW 2018.

Apart from Kratos and some fights this game reminds me almost nothing about what I loved or associated with a GOW(3) game. I played every GOW game and no i am not sick of the formula. Maybe thats why i was ok with this game. Those games made feel bad ass and gritty. Story was simple, John Wick style, the combat was bad ass.

This GOW had no large fights apart from 1 or 2. I mean if they did GOW3 on ps3 what could they have done on ps 4!?!? Where is something that resembles the opening scenes and fights of gow3? Throughout the whole game i was hoping it would remind me of gow1-3.

Some thoughts:
- Amazing, breath taking graphics
- Kratos was always mean to his son and borderline abusive with his language. Hard to hear.
- Story was confusing and all over the place
- Linear mixed with semi open world was weird.
- No real epic feel apart from how large the world was
- Combat was just like every other action adventure game. Plus axe vs blades of chaos .... seriously BOC any day. I guess it was refreshing to use an axe for the first hour.

So yes it was disappointing and somewhat boring game. I finished it because I am a huge GOW fan. The best part of the game is the first few hours and then its all down hill.