Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 3, 2022

Platforms Played


🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time played - 8.5h
🏆Trophy completion - 80% - just what i got playing. The game was not that great that i would want a 2nd play through to get a 100%. So I will live with this.

📚 Full Review:
This game is bearable and passable. I can't think of anything that was fun about this game nor overly bad. If it weren't for the completionist in me i would have given up long time ago. I basically shut off my brain and went through the motions. Sorry to everyone giving it 4s and 5s. Its a highly overrated game.

Very few. I liked some of the characters like Cosmo, Groot.

Repetitive and not so fun gameplay. Basically spam team commands, hold down fire button, the entire game. Once in a while fire some elemental weapons. The game also halts strongly after every fight, where you need to solve some environmental puzzles. They aren't hard and are relatively boring to break walls, cut wires to make paths.
Constant chatter. You tune it off after a while but this is the most talkative game i ever played. I can't think what so ever due to all the chatter!
The characters are all annoying and dumb. Sure thats the guardians MO but keep in mind you have to be with them for 8+ hours. Its like hanging out with a bunch of Bros that you you are over after 30 minutes of meeting them, but have to be stuck in a room for 8h. Sure I could have quit the game to avoid this.
Buggy - i had to restart the game multiple times. doors that should open after fights and clearing mobs never did for example.
Characters and their powers and limitations were hard to understand and very hand wavy. maybe this is because i don't know the background of these characters. I guess if you know alot about them from comic books they would make more sense.