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Time Played

17h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 27, 2021

Platforms Played


⌚ Time to finish - 17h (35% complete - focused mainly on story, and did a bunch of fun trophies. skipped all the grindy ones.) The game always moved at an excellent pace as the franchise is known for.
🤬Difficulty - easy. As expected from drake series. Combat was fun and varied. Really enjoyed all the different combat set pieces.
🔊 Soundtrack - Awesome.
🌄Graphics – Drop dead gorgeous. I probably spent many minutes just looking at the scenery and taking it in. Its a shame if people skip all this and follow the plot. There is so much beauty here. Hats off to their creativity and design.
🌦 Atmosphere – Amazing. A+. Masterpiece.
📚 Main Story / Characters – I always found the drake story lines hard to follow. I chalk it up to how action movie stories don't make any sense and don't link well together. This is on par with that. Instead of going to A -> B they follow bunch of artificial leads as they do in 3 and just travel around everywhere. As in uncharted 3 characters are added and removed as the gameplay demands but its not so bad here. 3 it was pretty inorganic here its mostly organic. However the story is fun and i liked Sam and Sully along with the new bad guy Rafe. Nadine was one dimensional. Overall the story was fine but not uncharted 2 level.

🤺 Combat – They have refined this again and again. Stealth attacks are pretty viable and I enjoyed that alot. No issues enjoyed everything about it. Some combat set pieces were amazing here. Some of the best in the series. Reminded me of uncharted 2 level creativity here. One of the combat set pieces moves from foot, car, air, car, etc seamlessly. it was amazing!

🧭 Side Activities / Exploration –Skipped all the collectibles (boring) so I did not plat it. But I did a bunch of fun side trophies. Would definitely recommend.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Perfect. Sure its linear but what do you expect? Get stuck in a drake game and miss out on the fast pace action. No thanks. There were one or 2 places I did get stuck and not know how to progress. It took some time to find it. I do not ever remember this in other games.
📣 Voice acting – Brilliant.
🥇 Best thing about the game - Story, music, action and how it all comes together. Another masterpiece and its pure fun. Naughty Dog is so good at this. I am so impressed how every game in this series is so damn good. It marries movie making, video game making, story telling, sound design into a package time after time that no one else has been able to replicate.

💡Final Thoughts:

Must play! Absolutely no boring parts, which i thought 3 hard. I think its on par with uncharted 2, if not a littttle worse. But better than 1 and 3. Spoiler alert: Lost Legacy is the best Uncharted game, and I will cover that in my next review. GO PLAY IT NOW!