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Time Played

5h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 5, 2022

Platforms Played


🎮 Platform: Nintendo Switch
⌚ Time played - 5h
⭐ Score: 3/5 ( a fine game)
📈 Difficulty: Played on normal, felt easy compared to other platformers.
📚 Full Review:
This game reminded me a lot of Kirby's epic yarn. But just not as fun. This game was some how just missing the magic. There were a few levels here and there but just because its a 1st party title doesn't mean it has the charm, the music, the fun that oozes out of most 1st party nintendo games. I just can't put my finger on it. Its almost as if they hired the B team here.

The biggest Issue i had with this game was the gating of zones by # of flowers you collect playing each level. Because I didn't think it was a stellar game, i really just wanted to finish the levels and just beat the game, so i often rushed through levels which bit, me because i got gated to next zone for not having enough collectible flowers. Now I have to go back and replay levels to collect more and more flowers. I got to about 75% of the game and then when i had to basically start looking up how to replay levels to get more flowers on youtube (I am not a platform veteran/expert), i said i should stop.

Most of the levels were basic and fine. Few levels were creative and things i hadn't seen before. This is no super mario 3d world.