🎮 Platform: Windows PC - Duckstation Emulation
⌚ Time to finish - 9h
Difficulty - though a fairly easily game, but due to inaccurate controls and old design, the game can feel hard at times, forcing you to replay significant sections. Save often or like me save state scum. :)

I've never played this game and it shows up all the time in must play games lists. Though its old and it shows, it was still a great game and mostly stands up to the test of time. This is my first MGS title. I overall enjoyed the story, but also found myself most of the time lost on who these characters were, as I felt that I was missing a ton of backstory. I am not sure if that was the intent. The story itself reminded me a lot of James Bond or Mission Impossible. The story and voice acting and the depth of the story is the standout here. Everything else is ok, and passable, keeping in mind this was made in 1998. This sets a stage for what is to come and I will definitely be diving in the rest of the games in the series! I can tell Kojima had such a grand vision for this game but the hardware did not allow it.

Awesome story, voice acting, and unique characters.
Action never lets up and generally a pretty linear game
Great boss fights especially Psycho Mantis.

Story and characters confusing. Story seems to assume you know some backstory from other games?
The controls are very inaccurate making for some VERY frustrating battle sequences, especially the last fight in the game with the car chase. OMG that was frustrating.
No depth in stealth though it seems like a stealth game. Its basically avoid enemies, and enemies are horribly stupid.
Last boss fight was weak and just never seemed to end
Sexist dialogue. You know what I am talking about. Can the Japanese men grow up yet? Oh wait anime in 2022 is also very sexist. Ugh!

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2022


1 year ago

Did you check out all the briefing videos? They're there to give a stronger context to the story, assuming (probably rightly so) that players didn't play or even know of Metal Gear 1 or 2 on the MSX2, might explain why you felt confused.

1 year ago

Oh wow I had no clue about them. That maybe would have helped! I’ll go check them out!