part of me wishes it was the only entry in the series

I love barren gameworlds that don't encourage nor reward exploration

I love extensive text lore dumps

I love shallow combat character builds

I love when a game prides itself with its numerous choices to complete objectives but then restricts free use of skills in situations where their usage should be fairly obvious

I love when developers lack any sense of professionalism and belittle anyone who dares criticize their game

make humans happy by building rollercoasters: I sleep

make animals happy by building entire biomes for them: real shit

you've surprised the enemy? guess they get a free turn to take cover and get out of your radius

genuinely no idea what they were thinking, dungeon crawling is the worst part about this series


kinda hard to take the romance part of it seriously when half of the female cast act like toddlers

once asked a girl if we could partake in a mana transfer ritual, now stuck with two kids with no time for vidya

there's just not much good about apocalypse weekend is all

"I have no friends to play dnd with" starter pack

why is he shooting that robot in the balls on the cover, slimy little mega man

Lands of Lore is love; comfy bog, comfy desert, comfy spider cave, ratkin that are cheesed to part you with your gouda. Villain's complex motives make me hesitant to recommend going for the true ending; literal who wall humpers>>>>>>>>>>>>>chosen ones

when your game has less depth and content than original diablo from 1997

it's a pun of alice and nightmare

why do so many russian kids want to have sexual intercourse with my parents