not entirely sure why people cream themselves over this series so much but the merchant girl is my spirit animal

every time someone asks me for beginner tips I tell them to do abandoned temple first, my motives are complex

true, seth completely solos the game but wish he would solo me 😡

"civilian penalty" is more of a suggestion than a warning

this shit had one of the worst top guilds ever, fuckers were demanding an irl pic just for the priviledge of joining, like yes I totally wanna dox myself for SOUL OF THE ULTIMATE NATION

I'd like to apologize to my Russian GM mommy (real) for PK-ing those lowbies and inadvertently causing the collapse of one of the friendliest guilds on the server. You've gifted me daggers and powerleveling in this absolute shitshow of a game that encouraged microtransaction buying way way before it became the norm, but I was a fatherless edgelord teen rogue player with no chill, please forgib. ;c

pays real money to destroy months of your progress


no ammo kino but kinda lacking in enemy variety

really takes the expression "how about them apples" to a new level damn

american history is the most boring thing known to man

I sense a soul in search of answers

I am the undefeated air hockey champ