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"wanna defeat capitalism? throw a bunch of stuff in an abandoned building!"

stardew valley is the kind of game where there's no good way, at least for me, to put into words why it is so amazing. there's a lot I could praise. the characters, plot, gameplay design, music, how cute the game is, or that it was made by a single talented young man. but none of any of that really matters for me in regards of this review. the most important thing to note about stardew valley, is the emotion it makes you feel. from the second you step off that bus, you are now in a world separate from your own. stardew has this amazing power to just calm you down, it's something another video game has never been able to do for me. the town of stardew valley, it's citizens, and just about everything else you can see or hear, makes it so easy to forgot about your real world problems. you are no longer someone who needs to constantly worry about making rent on time, you're a farmer who gets to pet 20+ every single day. you're not so tired from work you just lay in bed, you live every day of your life in stardew to its absolute fullest. more than anything, stardew is an escape. it's an escape from most, if not all, worries of modern society. nothing matters in stardew, but you feeling good, and helping others. this game is truly magic, and i would never be able to articulate this to you accurately enough to do justice to this game. please, play this game immediately.