Gonna preface this by saying this is my first Mega Man game ever completed and I played the Legacy Collection version with Save-Assist on.
I can only imagine the original version of this game being the epitome of slamming my head against the wall because eventually the wall will break. This game got frustrating to the point where I thought I was playing Dark Souls 2 again. I didn't get the satisfaction of completing a boss since it just felt unfair at times. Although when things are going well in this game its going very well and I can see this game being super fun depending on your threshold or comfort with these games but Mega Man Zero is a frustrating beast for me. The music was good, story felt like I was missing context though I filled it to follow it and it was only ok. Gameplay is usually piss poor annoying to being the Smoothest mf around cuz how slick Zero is. Loved the art/sprites the enemies designs can be pretty cool like a wrecking-ball Elephant. Fuck that bitchass Monkey tho, dude has a spear he doesn't even use.

Reviewed on May 06, 2024
