82 Reviews liked by sarutak

I wish this game existed when I was a kid

good autistic game to reset your sleep schedule
paradox interactive multiplayer is unimaginably bad, as always
paradox interactive DLCs are plentiful and pricey, as always

Played a few hours, runs great on my Steam Deck. Might come back to it someday

A daughter-raising sim with plenty of replay value. Overall, it's a solid game that offers a variety of different endings to explore. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game.



Hades was such a delight to play, undoubtedly one of the best indie titles I've ever experienced.

It's a shame what happened to this game... I recall the alpha being much more fun.

this had a mass effect 3 times larger than the first two on my sexuality

i need a krogan gf
i will cure her genophage
i need a salarian gf
i will fertilize her eggs
i need a kai leng gf
i can fix her

the one game you can't pirate

Addicting af, but impossible to get. This game borders on lost media

great game but i don't know how to finish it :((((

This game literally never gets boring no matter how often I come back to it. A lot of servers could use better moderation though.

Near perfection, Everything I've ever wanted in a Guitar Hero game I found it in CH, no lag, customizable, multi-instrument support, community-made charts, and also it doesn't force you to have a guitar controller like the later GH titles (I play with keyboard lol), and did I mention it's FREE!

i lost it when i was at my gramma's house i think

got recommended by friend as a starting point