Stray 2022

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 12, 2024

First played

February 5, 2024

Platforms Played


Kinda torn on this one. While I enjoyed it, I can clearly see all of its shortcomings and why people were so disappointed by it. Granted, the game didn't promise much and was overhyped, but there were so many little things that could've been improved. Exploring the environments is the best part of the game and yet it's so brief, while the more game-y sequences (mostly engaging with the Headcr-I mean, Zurks) overstay its welcome and are simply not fun. It's a walking simulator that reminds me of Uncharted at times, intermissioning narrative/exploration with action, but nowhere near as fun.

And rather than "Blade Runner cat", as it was sold by people who think all cyberpunk is either reminiscent of blade runner or neuromancer or gits, this game felt way more like Fallen Angels/Chungking Express meets a Cronenberg nightmare. Most of the time it doesn't even feel futuristic.

Extremely disappointed that you can't wear the poncho with the cat.