I cant believe Sony just droppeed objectively their best exclusive since the PlayStation 5 launched and then went "wallahi, no more games in 2024, we're finished"

Also you can name yourself the Patriot of Patriotism, actual peak fiction

A half-baked Breath of the Wild knockoff knocked up with every conceivable predatory microtransaction feature possible. Absolute garbage dump slot machine slop that doesn't deserve to exist, a literal crackhouse for casino addicts and pedophiles, like FGO and FE Heroes but somehow infinitely worse.

This game had BBTAG mix before BBTAG had BBTAG mix

At least it's not Devil May Cry 2

Ghostrunner is one of those magical games where despite being massively difficult, it's gameplay loop is so satisfying that the very frequent setbacks you experience from dying aren't nearly as frustrating as they normally should be.

Pathetic excuse of a game that doesn't even have any content in it without paying for expansions lmao. They deadass just took out the Red War campaign onboarding experience and went "Buy Lightfall instead!" scumbag company and scumbag game.

Call me Todd Coward the way I decide to use the same decade old engine to make a game that the decade old engine clearly cant handle, and as a result have to cut as many corners as possible to make the biggest space sim trainwreck of all time, completely antithetical to what games we make as a company.

This shit was so embarrassing I marked it as private in my Steam library to prevent anyone from knowing I played this fucking slop.

damn, this shit kinda clunky, but i managed to beat the intro test first try! Win!

(i'm probably going straight to Armored Core 2 after i'm finished)

"Why do they call it an oven when you cold eat the food out hot when the"

- martincitopants 2022

she jibun on my wo until I peak fiction (please watch Code Geass)

This game lasted longer than the Arrowverse and the DC Extended Universe.

Let that sink in.


can't believe we got more fnaf and outlast slop in the horror genre for over half a decade and this game just died because konami didn't like hideo kojima

PS: please send me a PS4 that has PT on it so I can play :(

Will probably never play this game but there are two 3,000 player conflicts that were fought against the Clusterfuck Coalition, and every other video game or fictional sci-fi universe WISHES they had something as funny as that