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This came out during the time I was mourning my dad's death and battling a particularly terrible depressive episode. I'd never played a warriors game. I doubt I ever will again. The gameplay is incredibly repetitive and it is a pain in the ass to collect all the items needed for full map completion. The camera glitches constantly, the frame-rate sucks ass, and a lot of the challenges aren't particularly interesting.

Yet the masses will have to pry it from my cold dead hands.

Nothing on god's green earth has ever made me feel the emotions this goofy fanfiction-esque plot did. I may never feel that emotion again. I screamed when the plot twist happened. I almost threw my switch across the room. Twice. I have a mortifying 100+ hours clocked and regret not a single one. Is my opinion entirely predicated on the fact that my life was in shambles when I picked this up? Perhaps. Most games don't let you play as King Rhoam though, so who cares.