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I wasn't expecting much from this, but in all honesty, I really enjoyed my time with it; this tells the story from the pilaf saga to King Piccolo. None of the adult Goku content is covered, but I think that gives it a little bit of charm.

The combat is amazing "when you get the gist of it", and the sprite work is nothing short of spectacular. It really feels like the dragon ball world is brought to life in this GBA classic of a game.

I had some problems with learning combat, and it isn't always obvious what you need to do, but I think that was one of my problems. But I believe that more should've been put into introducing us to the main mechanics that this game overall has. Some skills are blink, and you miss them, such as wall jump, which I had to search for a way to use.

however with some of these gripes aside, I really enjoyed this one. The first game on GBA completed 4.5/5

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It's not a bad little RPG but boy does it suffer from some cutbacks this game tells all of Dragon Ball Z's story all the way from Raditz's arrival to the defeat of Majin Buu it is a game filled with extra content, some stunning and spectacular visuals and honestly the JP voice cast and Funimation voice cast give their all trying to recreate those nostalgic moments that we all remember

if there was one thing I could describe this as it is nostalgia in a bottle you know what you are getting here quite a solid DBZ experience; which is quite a shame when the only problem is that lots of moments have either been cut In order for the development time of this game to be shortened.

Or simply forgotten and shoved into DLC which I will get onto in my next talk about the DLC packs for this game. the second problem being that many side quests don't have voice acting added to them and this makes the game feel quite soulless in retrospective something i hope the Super sequel will deliver on.

but with these problems aside I give this a very generous four I had fun with it, its visually stunning but somethings are a little too nit picky for my liking so that's my rating, okay onto the DLC!

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A very different way to approach this story that's for sure honestly I kinda of thought that this DLC would just been rehashing BOG and whilst it kind of does it does it in quite an interesting way.

By doing something the main game didn't even attempt to do introducing a grinding element to the game and making it actually worth your time and effort to get Goku and Vegeta to the new 250-level limit essentially limit breaking.

As such it causes this DLC to be far more enjoyable to playthrough as you are not really being handheld here, people that want to can do the other quests whis offers you to gain vital transformations if you haven't played the game.

but for those that have, however.... expect a huge grind in order to get to Super Saiyan God because boy is it a gruelling task something the game maybe didn't give at the start, I think they listened to peoples feedback about the game not really having any skill to level up and kind of just giving you the levels once a boss is defeated here there is none of that and that is super refreshing

you have to grind in order to get goku and vegeta to max level and I won't spoil but there are some really cool boss moments especially if you liked Broly and the side content is good a very solid DLC pack.


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It has got to if not be the best Dragon Ball game I have ever played I've been sitting on a copy of this ever since I bought it as a teenager in 2018 and finally sat down to play it this year and boy was it a ride. "its now gaining price"

I love the feeling of warmth this game just gives off and its sense of familiarity given it was a tie-in with the anime back in the day is just a delight we get pretty much every story here up until the important parts of Dragon Ball gt there is plenty of content here and it can be challenging from three different levels easy, normal and hard so there is a sense of challenge to all of this if you see fit

i love how you don't just play as the protagonists here but also the villains, Frieza, Cell and Buu but with the protagonist's side you can see and feel the exact key moments that made this whole entire series work.

the character roster is also what makes it shine It is the biggest roster of a dragon ball game ever in fact with multiple ways for you to use these characters whether it be in CO-OP, NPC battles or the brilliant tournament mode these characters all have different skills and abilities leading to a truly unique way they play

and it was a genuinely fun time all around story and unlocking content took 6 hours in total idk i have lots of nostalgia for this game and honestly feel like its one of my favourite games of all time lets hope sparking zero is as good as this one

5/5 truly perfect

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a simply fantastic game along with an excellent update that fixes the problems it had all of that time ago and revamps them all completely

I originally played Cyberpunk when it first came out and was one of the most bug-ridden games I have ever seen going back to it 4 years later i would've never expected the amount of love, change and detail that has gone into making nightcity look and feel like a proper well city

I'm a huge fan of the npc interactions the different events on the map you can do and the people you can meet and have a potential relationship with, i chose panam if anyone is wondering

the gun combat is incredibly solid and might be the best example of how to do guns and weapons correctly in video games, I cant quite tell you how much I was using a samurai sword or was simply using a gun to either slash or shoot through an enemy with accurate precision

the story alongside this might be one of the best i have ever had the honor to play through I'm being serious here when i think its one of the most well crafted stories in video game history its just that good

honestly I'm in love with this title and cant wait to see more from the universe eventually I'm going onto phantom liberty next where my expectations will probably be shattered even more an excellent game from an amazing genre of media yeah like this one greatly
