It is so cool and amazing overall

a cool game to play w friends and w a lot of games variety overall.

it was quite good and i loved the gameplay tbh

it was awesome. a funny story, simple game mechanics and full of difficult puzzles xDD it was rlly cool to play and I enjoyed the experience.

VERY difficult for my brain level but after dying 178 times I finally reached the end :) it was worth it, for the achievements

It´s cool and stuff but there is a long wait till it gets interesting, recommended by a friend, had a lot of fun tho, fun day just playin the game full XDD

MASTERPIECE. Played durin classes, best nostalgic game EVER

20 mins of a wholesome story w a cute design n easy gameplay.

walking simulator w zero atmosphere or charm

it´s ok, pretty annoying at some parts but eh, it´s free, if u want to pass the time durin like an hour or less go for it

It ain´t a game but it´s a pretty chill app to just focus and relax w a pet or someone.

it´s simple and free, a nice 15 mins game :^

Music slaps, it´s addicting and Im so close to get all the achievements