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1 day

Last played

January 18, 2022

Platforms Played


from the perspective of someone who has never played a final fantasy game, and especially no other version of ff1:

i enjoyed this way more than i thought i would honestly. like you can obviously tell it's an old game and they hadn't quite refined the formula yet but it's enjoyable in its simplicity. i was surprised at how easy the progression was to follow, aside from the airship (fuck the airship) there wasn't much i found too cryptic. the difficulty is really unbalanced but i mean it was an nes game so it went more smoothly than i expected. there also isn't really a story but again it's an nes game lol. the port itself definitely has a few issues; the font choice is absurd but at least it's easily modded, cursor memory being off by default is stupid (why is that even an option??), the bestiary being on the title screen and inaccessible in-game was very annoying, achievements not activating until after a battle for no clear reason is super wack, etc. overall though it's a good game and port, the remastered music is fantastic and i look forward to playing the others eventually. 7/10