this is everything a kanto remake should be. not only is it ran on the amazing engine that ruby, sapphire, and emerald has but it has challenges from the first gen. it also doesn't have any of the awkward bugs and glitches from the first two gens. they also add some additional content, but not too much that to the point where it makes it awkward.

overall just a really easy version of kanto where you have to catch pokemon to train rather than actually train

one thing that especially confuses me is why have repel when you can just move away from the pokemon on the map it kinda kills the meaning of repel

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overall a really intriguing visual novel! completed akane's route and bad ends (my first route) and aoi's route and bad ends on 11/11/22 and kiika's route on 11/12/22 early in the morning. i love how this visual novel seems to follow the format of a typical horror film, they even reference the horror film format and sadako in the game!

though it is a black cyc game and has gore in the title, shockingly it's not as gorey as i expected so far. the intense squicky gore in the game seems to be in kiika's route. on the topic of gore, i love gore himself and he's fucking hilarious. i'm usually not one for dark humor involving death, but that one scene in the game with sashimi and the teacher absolutely obliterated me. i also think that yuuka and gore are an interesting tag team. there's still mysteries that i haven't found in the game (like what gore and yuuka are) but i'm hoping to uncover that as i play more paths today!

fun, but mario party 2 is easily so much better

i hate how tiktok made me curious about this game LMAO

kirby is a pan icon making out with all these enemies

i forgot about this game until i found it on one of my few yearly internet browser checks, this was super cute! didn't play it much though

still holds up rather nicely, fuck stick canyon though. also the graphics for the humans look so weird but it was the 90's so it's to be expected i guess

played a demo of this, it was pretty fun. maybe i'll play the full game someday LOL

oh my god i LOVED this game back in 2013 i kinda wanna replay it again

i can't believe this is here lmao HELPPP

i only really got a bad end once and watched some other playthroughs on youtube censored but good god. this game was supposedly made as a 'comedy' but i don't know how anyone can find it funny

did the horrifying locked room scenario A LOT better than euphoria, personally. i think it also exhibited the consequences of some choices pretty well. the characters friendship was really sweet and i loved the true ending. i would say one of the only bad things (outside from the noncon) was the fact this was pretty short?

bro fuck this game the blond pretty boy is pretty but i wish he didn't wear what was basically a nazi outfit