Did not get this one. Found the open world dull and the missions incredibly tedious and boring. The way people talk about this game though…I may come back to it, we’ll see. Gave up after about 6 hours.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024


4 months ago

do not come back to it if the gameplay didn't click with you after 6 hours, man. It did for me and I finished it, but let me tell you that there's nothing crazy to be seen if you're not impressed after 6 hours. People seem to adore this game for its visuals and some of the story developments in the second half which admittedly are nice but far from groundbreaking or brilliant.

4 months ago

This game is just pretty visuals and nothing else, the gameplay is pretty basic and the open world really boring and dull. I don't get why people say this is one of the best games ever.

4 months ago

To speak as someone who loves this game I found it breathtaking. Thematically the gameplay perfectly matched its tone and the combat was really compelling when played on one of the harder difficulties. Acting as a samurai and then naturally becoming a ghost to the invading horde was mystifying. Everyone has different tastes but I do think that for those who like this game it clicked for them beyond just its impressive visuals alone. But hey if it isn't for you that's totally cool.