This game has a lot of jank, but it is charming jank, just like the original and it is hilarious

Love this game. It is crying out for a PC release, while applying some needed tweaks.

I love the recalcitrant birddog Trico and his stubborn behaviour. I found it very true to real dog.

The terrible camera was the great downfall for me.

Enjoyed this a lot, but in the end, the loading times killed the enjoyment for me.

Clunky mechanics at times, and the running was infuriatingly slow - but the actor direction and binaural psychosis elements were fantastic. Looking forward to the next one.

Excellent plot, but the dialogue and voice acting were inferior to the first one. The pacing and length really sucked the joy out of it for me in the end.

Beautifully done, but feels empty compared to Elden Ring and honestly boring compared to the perfection of Bloodborne.