most of the people in these reviews haven't actually played moirai. myself included

I have Tales about this game which deeply concern my friends. I think they're pretty funny though

good game, but i'd recommend modding it. got murdered.

amazing story, shit gameplay. maybe it would be better on an actual ps2 instead of an emulator but idk.... i would kill for a remake.

i want to swan dive off a cliff

mediocre anime girl tapping sim. some of the girls were cute i guess. i only played it for wendy.

pretty good for a game i only play while on either the train or the toilet

if only the dev was not a total nonce and also full of himself

honestly even if it was Shit i'd recommend it solely for the opening movie

nutaku are fucking COWARDS for taking everlasting summer down btw

ive had conversations abt this irl... ive never talked abt games i like irl without having to introduce people to them...

been playing this game on various computers and consoles for like 8 years and ive still never finished it

very ok game. good for killing time