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March 19, 2023

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The crown jewel of mid budget games. Remedy as a studio have continuously put up some of the most consistently interesting games around, and even with their continued success, they never quite gave up their identity ever since the first Max Payne game. Control continues in the footsteps of its predecessors by providing an incredibly unique world and concept alongside with it, but keeps around the traits that has made the studio what it is today. FMVs, real bands backing their biggest action set pieces, coffee, returning actors, and at least ten or so Twin Peaks homages. Now that Control has set in motion the idea that just about all the Remedy projects all take place in the same world, these games really do have a real cozy feeling to them that is very rare to achieve, and even more impressive considering the tone that Control goes for is pure liminal. Control might just be one of the best looking modern games period, and a true showcase as to how simplicity can achieve spectacular results. The brutalist architecture of The Oldest House gives way for lighting and camera tricks to take center stage, and it creates some of the most striking visuals I’ve ever seen in a game. The game’s biggest set piece is literally one texture repeated on all the walls, and yet it manages to convey such a bizarre and awesome atmosphere as you blast away through it to the sound of Poets of the Fall.

Gameplay is also a treat here, it's nothing crazy, but the sheer concept of doing The Force Unleashed, but as a third person shooter speaks for itself. And yeah, there is a lot of jank to the system, but they really sell it. The particle effects are great and all, but the real star of the combat is the sound design really selling every shot, and more importantly, the impact of chucking bits of rubble at an enemy. It is never mind blowing, but it doesn’t have to be, and the DLC adds some really fun ideas into the mix to spice things up.

Of course though, the narrative and more importantly, characters and performances are the real Remedy staples, and they’re excellent here. Jesse Faden’s design is absolutely killer, and Courtney Hope’s portrayal as her is great. It takes a little getting used to how she delivers her lines, as well as the whole cast, but it really adds a cadence that makes her consistently fun in a way both similar and very different to Remedy’s other protagonists. And speaking of the other protagonists, Max Payne and Alan Wake’s actors return in major roles in this game (as well as just Alan Wake in general just popping in to say hello) but I can’t not talk about the true highlight of the game. Matthew Porretta as Dr. Casper Darling is one of the best performances I have ever seen for a video game. He absolutely steals the show as this equally awkward yet incredibly charming and infectious scientist that is just constantly a treat to see. Anytime one of those FMVs came on, I already knew I had to stop what I was doing to see what he would have to say. And as those broadcasts from him get more and more grim as the reality of the situation comes in, and you can see the desperation to acceptance, over the terrible things that happen in this building, its just an absolute slam dunk every time he is on screen. And his last appearance in game is going to stand as my personal highlight of the game, adored that one in particular.

Control is yet another gem in the crown that Remedy have made for themselves, stylish in every department, yet always true to itself. If this is the energy they’re bringing into Alan Wake II, I am ecstatic to dip my toes into the Remedy pool yet again.