while i understand that most of you find "indie rpgmaker game with horror elements about depression" type games an extremely overdone thing, if you have literally ANY interest in them this one is surely worth your time. this game has so much love (and hate) put into it that i doubt this "genre" will get anything better anytime soon

its the best moba if you have a team of 4 other people to consistently play with and it's the worst one in terms of solo/duo experience

man this game is so good mechanically and so bad in terms of everything else. servers barely working, cheaters everywhere, fucking battle royale as the only actually playable gamemode. youre going to have some real good time when it works, it just doesn't work too often to ignore technical side of things

like most valve titles the game is getting slowly killed by how old it is and how "much" developer cares about it. i do not recommend anyone trying to pick it up at this point

no idea how it was so popular back in the day, this game is like literally about not having fun. shields? stuns in FPS? who the fuck came up with it?

i mean the base game is good, but it has one of the most bitching playerbases ever and riot servers can fuck you over once in a while. still better than CS in most aspects if you want to play something similar

was playing since season 2, personally went from
hey this is the best game ever
ohhh fuck i hate this fucking game why am i still playing it
then after a year or so break back to
huh this game is still kinda fun actually

while league can be frustrating its one of the least frustrating competitive games out there and trust me i tried a lot of them. only this one comes out a net positive of emotions you get from playing it.