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Time Played

10h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 21, 2024

First played

March 8, 2024

Platforms Played


Silent Hill 2 evokes a feeling that I almost just can't comprehend. Both entries in the series so far have rattled my brain senseless for the past month.

Silent Hill 2 is a subversive sequel by nature in its level design, characters and world. It's not particularly a conventional sequel, the game works as a stand alone product; which I think is pretty great.

• The narrative is easily the biggest step up in quality, much darker and asks us as the player to be a more active spectator in reading the subtext.
• The soundtrack and sound design are killer, adds so much to the experience.
• The pacing from section to section is a lot better as it has a clearer path of where to head and explore, nowhere near as monotonous as Silent Hill 1.
• The horror elements and atmosphere is thick as ever, truly horrifying.

• I thought the nightmare areas weren't nearly as effective as Silent Hill 1's more industrial rusted bloodstained imagery.
• Enemy variety is a little lacking??? Still absolutely love the mannequins they are superb.
• Combat itself is fine and works for what its going for, its more so the abundance of ammo and health items that you obtain throughout the second half that bothers me. It just makes the option of choice in weaponry feel pointless when you can practically kill every enemy in the game with the pistol and not worry about ammo.

Overall this game fucking rocks, a step up as a sequel in many regards but allows the first game to not be obsolete as it stands tall as its own separate entry.

Soundtrack is going to be on repeat for the next few weeks. Anyway till Silent Hill 3, bye.