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March 25, 2024

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March 22, 2024

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Like many third entries in well acclaimed franchises, Silent Hill 3 runs the risk of being overshadowed by its predecessors.

Silent Hill 1 introduces the titular abandoned town with its unique visual style and memorable shocking first time moments.

Silent Hill 2 is a new form of shocking by flipping those preconceptions around on what we thought we understood about Silent Hill.

Silent Hill 3 is an iterative refinement, being both a direct sequel to the first game and taking elements from the second game. In many ways the third entry does surpass the previous titles. It’s one of the best looking PS2 games I’ve ever seen, content is denser in terms of section to section, arguably the set pieces and sound design are the most impressive to this point. And of course the best new element of the game is the protagonist Heather/ Cheryl Mason, she is easily the highlight of the entire journey.

Its shortcomings are definitely more towards its weak attempts to expand combat, it’s midpoint in the sewers and first half of the office seems a bit lost. And yeah the narrative itself is a lot of retreading but under the new context and perspective of Heather I don’t find this as much of an issue as others.

Silent Hill 3 is an excellent game and I definitely would put it on par with its older siblings.