gonna need to sit on this one for a while. a step up from yakuza 4 in every way (other than soundtrack probably). rgg's most ambitious game and there is a plethora of things to do in terms of side content. strong thematically but lacking in plot execution for me. amazing and fun game. + shinada

amazing, it's so unapologetically human which i love.

Frustrating to read but had good bits to it .

fantastic game, offers a lot of side content in addition to the already exhilarting storyline. the cast is also really well written and has characters you really feel like rooting for. very excited for when i play the other yakuza games

great, excited for more Tales Of

wild but fun game, definitely in need of a revisit at some point.

very fun game, its game mechanics are definitely the best thing about it.

fantastic, hope to finish up Royal soon.