This game gave my Wii a virus

Fuck Marble Zone, Labyrinth Zone, and Scrap Brain Zone, all my homies hate Marble Zone, Labyrinth Zone, and Scrap Brain Zone

Was so close to being my favorite 2D Sonic game and then Metropolis Zone onwards hit
Everything before that is fire though

It's actually not that bad lmao. At least as long as you're not trying to get all the time stones.
I mean, either that or I have bad taste in video games, idk you be the judge. Either way I don't have bad taste in music cause got DAM the JP ost slaps

Probably my favorite flash game of all time. Still play it every now and then on an emulator for that nostalgia hit. This game had no reason to be so genuinely good.
Also first xd

Oh my GOD this game's soundtrack is phenomenal like holy shit it goes way too hard. Do yourselves a favor and go listen to it as soon as possible.
The actual game is ass though lmao. The DS version was better honestly

This game's a guilty pleasure of mine. It's not that good, it's really poorly designed at a lot of points, but it's still pretty memorable and a fun time every now and then. May not hold up as well as the later Mega Man games but it's still worth a play IMO. But don't make the mistake of making this game your first Mega Man game. Go play MM2, MM6, or MMX1 first, and then come back to this one if you just need more funny blue robot in your life.

Thank God for the rewind feature in Legacy Collection, otherwise trying to beat this would've been a nightmare, especially towards the end. But yeah this game's good and stuff.

If you liked Mega Man 2, here's more of it basically. I can't tell if it's better or worse cause they're so similar, but either way it's still just as good as Mega Man 2, and like pretty much all of the NES Mega Man games except maybe 1, it's definitely worth playing.

Yeah it's pretty much the same thing as the other Mega Man games again, but that means it's still damn good. Haven't beaten it yet for some reason, but I'll probably get around to it one day.

Probably one of the most consistently fun Mega Man games on the NES. It's kind of forgettable though, like it blends in with all of the other games really easily.

Honestly my favorite game in the classic series, they definitely made sure to end the NES run of Mega Man games with a certified banger. Fun from start to finish. Ending and plot as a whole are laughably underwhelming though, but do you really care about that in an NES Mega Man game?

Holy shit there's sound AND color???????????

One of the most gripping plots in video game history. My face was drenched in tears from the moment Pac-Man said "it's pac-ing time" and started pac-ing all over the ghosts

Woah woah woah. There's even MORE sound and color now? Namco you gotta settle down.