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I recently completed all days in v0.7, so I've seen most of what there is to experience for now. This game still has a long way to go before it's finished, but even it's current rough state, it's one of the most immersive and effective horror games I've ever played. It's still very buggy, poorly optimized and due for a lot of changes before a full release, but the core gameplay that's here right now is great and very addictive. It takes its time, allowing you to build up a routine doing your menial, daily tasks before things really start to change and begin to delve into the alien and supernatural. The slow pace and repetitive main objectives may not be for everyone, but it's incredibly effective in making you fall into a set routine, only to mess with you down the road. There's already an incredible amount of content with a heavy emphasis on player freedom and exploration to uncover the games many secrets, some of which are best left unseen.
It's best to go into this game with as little knowledge of it as possible, and experience everything it throws at you blind. It might take a while, but I'm waiting in anticipation for the next update. I can't wait to follow how this game grows in the future now.