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An expansion that simply shouldn't have been an expansion. This is effectively the base game's missing ending - which makes the fact that they charged 20 bucks for this feel more than a little skeevy. That being said, Trespasser contains the most effective and focused storytelling in all of Inquisition (granted, faint praise) and it never really outstays its welcome despite featuring some fairly repetitive combat encounters toward the end. Solas is quite strong (and sympathetic) in the role of the archvillain, a satisfying change given how bland and uninteresting Corypheus was in the main game. And there's even a well-written and satisfying section in which you get to play catch-up with all of your old companions, ala the Citadel DLC from Mass Effect 3. Is it enough to salvage the game? Certainly not. Is it enough to make me want to play the next one? Probably, yeah.