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1 day

Last played

February 27, 2024

Platforms Played


It's pretty good, but I don't really have much to say about it. Good core gameplay, characters (Elvis the GOAT), and story, with some pretty good missions early on. However, I think as the game went on, more and more bad missions started appearing, which really made this go from a higher score to a lower one for me. A lot of missions had obscure objectives (especially in regards to where these objectives are located), and I imagine this is only worse on higher difficulties. I only played on the pussyboy Agent difficulty because I thought that was the equivalent of normal, but nope, it's probably closest to an easy mode. I imagine that because of the higher amount of objectives in each mission on increased difficulties, my problem with obscure directions would only worsen, but I can't say for sure without actually playing through it again. I think the level design started out really strong then took a nosedive towards the end, and the last few levels in particular I was just kind of bored with and rushing through to get it over with. A shame, I really loved the earlier levels and it's unfortunate that same quality wasn't consistent. I also would've liked an option to change the graphics back to the N64 original, similar to the Master Chief Collection. As neat as the updated models and textures are, I would've preferred having a more classic experience, especially with the awkward rigging of high quality models to N64-era skeletons and animations. Overall a decent game with high replay value, and I think with time (and further playthroughs), my score might go higher.