This is the first game in the Lisa series I've played, and wow. From an atmospheric and narrative perspective, this game tackles extremely serious topics and fills you with a sense of extreme, existential dread as you play. The music, the symbolism, all of it overwhelms you with an extreme sense of dread and sadness, and it does this really well. From a gameplay perspective, the game can be a bit vague at times, and the spider segments are downright infuriating. However, I still would recommend you experience this game in some form, whether it be in a YouTube playthrough (to avoid the spiders), or playing it for yourself. It took me roughly an hour or so to complete (although some of that time was dedicated to me seeing if there was a good strategy to get past the spiders without losing my mind further), but the atmosphere and narrative alone are worth checking this one out for. I'd recommend purely on that aspect, but I can't rate this one higher due to the bad gameplay. Really good, still, though.

Probably the worst mobile game I have ever played. At this point I think that the Euphoric Brothers are just incompetent developers, their main series Garten of Banban games are awful and even their little spinoff mobile games are also terrible. After just a few minutes of playing this my thumb was starting to cramp up as I continued down these constant halls of breaking certain items to continue. It's truly a miracle at how bad this game really is. You play as Banban but you can unlock other characters through microtransactions or collecting coins as you play, the downside is that these coins take forever to collect and it's just not worth the payoff, which is seeing a different iconic Banban character walk down these endless corridors. I do not recommend anyone play this game and I'm ashamed to have played it in order to keep my Garten of Banban streak going.

This one stunk pretty bad. Thankfully there was a massive XP glitch that led to me completing the entire battle pass or else I think I never would've gotten far enough. Around this season is when I felt my extreme boredom with this game start to set in. This season introduced the different modes/metaverse aspects to the game like LEGO Fortnite (terrible), Rocket Racing (mediocre), and Fortnite Festival (actually decent), and I think as a result of that Battle Royale felt a lot less fun this time around. Item shops were awful (possibly due to LEGO Fortnite), the content drought at the beginning of the season was mind-numbingly boring, and the new additions really weren't enough to keep me hooked. Peter Griffin and Solid Snake were amazing collabs in the battle pass, but apart from those two the pass didn't stand out much for me. The map was surprisingly soulless, it felt more like a Call of Duty Warzone map or a default Unreal Engine 5 map than a Fortnite map, and I felt like it lacked the distinct goofiness of previous maps up until this point. The loot pool left a lot to be desired, with the addition of weapon mods it felt like there was a lot less variety than before, interesting things were only added towards the middle/end of the season with the Metal Gear Solid mythics and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collab. As for the mid-season event pass, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collab, it was alright, but as someone with not a whole lot of attachment to the franchise it was somewhat underwhelming. In retrospect this season probably isn't as bad as I imagine it was, but it did successfully help wean me off the game in a way, as I have not been playing nearly as much since. Thank you Epic Games for dropping a season so boring it single-handedly saved my bank account.

Short and sweet game with a pretty cool and tense concept. For what it is it's excellent, not many complaints and I can see myself replaying this a lot in the future. In the beginning it starts as a purely luck-based game but as it goes on genuine strategy starts to creep in which adds a really fun yet very tense aspect to the game. I'd recommend checking this out if you can, it's short, cheap, and definitely worth the ~15 minutes it might take to complete your first run.

This season was mediocre to me. It undid a lot of progress in terms of Fortnite gameplay for the past few years just to nostalgiabait for the people obsessed with the "OG" era. I never had much attachment to Fortnite at this time (I started playing in Chapter 2), so the nostalgia really did not work on me. It took away swimming and fishing for some reason, undid the gold bars mechanic, and just overall stripped away good mechanics in order to appeal to a very loud section of the fanbase, which sucked to see as someone not a part of said section. The loot pool was alright, the map was ehhh, and just overall it reeked of cheapness and I did not appreciate the season very much. I know a lot of people loved this one, but for me I just could not get into it for the aforementioned reasons.

This season was just very eh. Not super notable, and personally I just didn't play a whole lot so I can't judge much either. I think the season before burned me out on the game pretty hard, and when this one came around I was just still not super interested. The battle pass was alright, but Ahsoka as the secret skin was lame beyond belief. The loot pool was decent and the new POIs added were somewhat interesting, but too sparse and small to really make a difference and to distract from the awful forest biome added last season. The storyline was pretty nonexistent as well, the big antagonist of the season was killed off screen in a quest. Not the best season but not the worst, infinitely better than Season 3 of this chapter.

One of the weakest Fortnite seasons I have played by far. The battle pass was nothing special, and the Transformers collab really didn't do it for me, considering I really don't have an attachment to the franchise. The storyline was weak, the loot pool was pretty bad, and the new pois/biome added was not fun at all. I could barely see anything when in the forest and due to the biome being recessed it was hard to get in/out. Easily played this season the least out of any Fortnite season so far.

Yeah. Might add more to this later but it's that good. I already thought Metal Gear Solid 1 was amazing, but 2 just knocks it out of the park and is easily one of the best games I have ever played. Fun gameplay that involves strategy in order to not get caught, new first-person mechanics (although I will say the controls for these have not aged the best), and an absolutely amazing story with many twists and turns, and the introduction of a new playable character, who I may honestly like more than Solid Snake himself. There's a lot more I could say, but just play it for yourself. It's genuinely fantastic.

It's pretty good, but I don't really have much to say about it. Good core gameplay, characters (Elvis the GOAT), and story, with some pretty good missions early on. However, I think as the game went on, more and more bad missions started appearing, which really made this go from a higher score to a lower one for me. A lot of missions had obscure objectives (especially in regards to where these objectives are located), and I imagine this is only worse on higher difficulties. I only played on the pussyboy Agent difficulty because I thought that was the equivalent of normal, but nope, it's probably closest to an easy mode. I imagine that because of the higher amount of objectives in each mission on increased difficulties, my problem with obscure directions would only worsen, but I can't say for sure without actually playing through it again. I think the level design started out really strong then took a nosedive towards the end, and the last few levels in particular I was just kind of bored with and rushing through to get it over with. A shame, I really loved the earlier levels and it's unfortunate that same quality wasn't consistent. I also would've liked an option to change the graphics back to the N64 original, similar to the Master Chief Collection. As neat as the updated models and textures are, I would've preferred having a more classic experience, especially with the awkward rigging of high quality models to N64-era skeletons and animations. Overall a decent game with high replay value, and I think with time (and further playthroughs), my score might go higher.

It was alright, but not a whole lot of motivation to play beyond the single-player campaign. Not a whole lot to say, enjoyed the earlier levels but it felt like it overstayed its welcome at times. Eh.

(Male route)

It's really good. I could go on for days and days making an actual in-depth review but I'll keep it short. In my opinion, this game has my favorite Persona cast (by far), and my favorite Persona story (also by far). The theming, characters, soundtrack, everything like that about the game is absolutely top-notch and unrivaled by any of the other entries I've played. The few issues I do have are the questionable pacing decisions, the presentation (a problem unique to Portable, so not much of a complaint considering this game is made with that weakness in mind and there is an alternative with a better presentation), and the gameplay loop. It's been repeated time and time again, but climbing Tartarus can be really tedious, and the days where you are free, there are very few social links available outside of school, meaning once they're all complete, you just waste the day raising some specific stat. The first few months of the game are ridiculously dry and really badly paced which led me to drop it multiple times before eventually sticking to it, which I'm glad I did. I think the gameplay in combat is actually quite refreshing compared to other Persona entries, the combat is difficult at times and genuinely has a focus on exploiting weaknesses and utilizing buffs/debuffs, similar to the mainline Shin Megami Tensei games. This game is significantly more difficult than 4 and 5, without being as bullshit (sometimes), which is very much appreciated. Overall, this is an extremely solid entry in a series I already hold deeply dear to my heart, and I'm excited to see the renewal of interest in these characters with the release of Persona 3 Reload.

Why do I keep putting myself through this? If a 0 star rating existed, this would be it. Easily the worst in the entire Banban series. Don't ask me how we're at 6 already, because for some reason we skipped 5 entirely and there's even a trailer and an option to wishlist Garten of Banban *7* when this one ends. It's at the point where there's no entertainment value anymore. The last game at least had Choo Choo Charles for some reason in a bizarre cameo and surprisingly decent voice acting at times-- this game has none of that. Extremely repetitive backtracking, puzzles that are just there for padding, I can safely say this is the worst entry in an already terrible series. The ending has some ramifications for the future of the lengthy Banban Saga, but if you're playing these games for the story I don't know what that says about you as a person. Overall this was some of the most mind-numbingly awful gameplay I've ever experienced and I'm so glad it's over. Take me back to Garten of Banban 1-4, please. Make it stop.

It's bad. It's really bad. If the game ended about halfway through Dante's campaign it would be around a 6/10 for me, despite being piss easy (I'd like to note that this game genuinely started hurting me physically with the constant mashing of the gun button, A.K.A. the win button). But there was a point, around Mission 14, where the game just became absolutely grueling and had me bored out of my mind. Thankfully, that was towards the end of Dante's campaign, so not much more to endure other than yet another few terrible levels and an admittedly pretty cool final boss. Lucia's campaign, however, dropped this from a 4 or 5 out of 10 to a solid 3. Lucia's gameplay is already worse than Dante's, with the addition of repeat levels from Dante's campaign with very slight changes. This was boring enough as is, but they decided to add water mechanics and multiple underwater missions to her route, resulting in some of the absolute worst moments in any game I've played recently. The main boss of these water levels, Tateobesu, is quite literally one of the worst boss battles in any game I have ever played. Absolutely atrocious underwater controls as is, but add trying to attack an invisible enemy you can't lock on to onto that, and you get yourself the worst boss in this entire game. Lucia's campaign continues past this with more repetitive levels that mirror Dante's own (hey, even Mission 14 from Dante's campaign returns! This time it isn't as bad admittedly but still god awful), with a pretty underwhelming final boss. There isn't enough I can say about this game that hasn't already been said. Without the memes, this would just be a pretty terrible, boring, and underwhelming entry in a generally beloved series, but with the meme status this game has, it's almost iconic with how terrible it really is. I can finally say I have played and beaten DMC 2, and I never plan on replaying it, ever.

It was OK.

That's about it, I think the game has a lot of problems still both controls-wise, structure-wise, and especially filler-wise but overall it was an enjoyable experience. Multiple eyerolls throughout the game as they make you do some of the most tedious backtracking, padding, etc. just to get from point A to point B, and also ridiculously linear (a very major complaint many people have but for me it isn't much of an issue). Overall it was still enjoyable, though. Zelda at its core (and probably its most basic considering during the late Wii/Wii U era Nintendo tried making this the "generic Zelda" aesthetic), meaning it can't really be terrible. I think this game has a lot of problems but if you can get through them and maybe not rush the second half of the game like I did the filler content wouldn't be as abhorrent. This game also notably has a very cute watercolor-esque artstyle, which although the HD version on the Switch didn't do a whole lot unlike the other HD Zelda games, the high resolution and 60fps were definitely appreciated, along with the minor control improvements(?). The controls as a whole are another tangent I could go into but it's not really worth the time writing this, everyone has had the same thing. Groose is also the GOAT. Solid game overall, and I like the idea of a Zelda prequel. Probably not the strongest entry in the series, however.

It's a cute game with a neat gimmick as the main mechanic, but Christ, I am terrible at this game. Fun for about the hour or so that the Adventure mode is, but if the rewind feature on the GBA NSO app didn't exist, I don't think I could've gotten through this one. Cute little characters and neat setpieces and it's cool to finally have this available after so long, but the later levels become such bullshit with absolutely zero checkpoints and constant trial-and-error that it becomes frustrating. Check out the early levels and see if you like it, but I don't really recommend the latter half unless you really love the concept or gameplay.