PETA can go fuck itself, this game is so fucking funny lol

Adore the graphics a lot, have loved this game for many years now. Scary sometimes but it's such an incredible game!

Controls and mechanics feel clunky but that's fine. Loved all the characters from both campaignes with the exception of the weird purple Decepticon whose name I forget and Ironhide (I liked him a lot in the movie, but hated him in the game). Really hated the enemy types that spin. Hated being in vehicle mode, as a result, hated the car chase missions.

One of my favorite fighting games. Loved the gore and I adore the ninjas (espechially Scorpion. His icon looks like a mugshot which I love) together with the other characters, or at least most of them.

Pays homage to the original. It's so amazing and made me cry becuase I love the original so much. Will never pass the original for me but I love it so much

Played this with my mom and brother a lot back then hah

I enjoyed this one back then hah

Story was okay-ish, didn't care for any of the characters except Altair and Maria, who I was primarily here for. Still bad.

First game we ever played on the PC. Pain. Least it's kind of fun on co-op.

Such a good conclusion to the franchise, loved the character dynamics and gameplay and cutscenes and story and music (except Dante's theme) and everything else. Vergil peaks in this.

Not the strongest DMC but not bad by any means.

The best in the series in my opinion. Amazing OST (Devils Never Cry is incredibly good), fun gameplay and story. This is the game in which Dante truly becomes the smartass asshole he's known for being today. Such a good game.

So much fun to play with family and/or friends. Love this a lot mostly becuase it's a tag game which gives me a huge roster.

It was fine, combat was way too stressful and scary for me. Fine story and likeable characters. Solid start to the franchise.

Has stuck with me for many years. Still makes me cry but not as much as the others because it's got a happy ending. Gorgeous in all aspects as all Shelter games are.