i went 0-2 but i enjoyed it. megumi is awesome

this is always happening to me

just want to make it clear this is an unequivocally pro-melee account. the last super smash brothers game to be "cool" and also coincidentally one of the best fighting games of all time whether you're a slippi sweatlord or playing on brinstar depths with items.

one of the only "pure" video games. avg rating once again baffles me - it's Xevious! have you no shame? no culture?

no replay just was explaining this game to my brother and remembering how it's basically everything i could ever love in an RPG. many will tell you to skip it and play its sequel but i'm here to tell those people to fuck off, that game is a bloated overlong disaster. SaGa 1 is perfect, concise, dreamlike, perplexing, mesmerizing

dracula's castle as a psychedelic allegory for bipolar disorder? i think there's a lot to be explored wrt this game's story that i'm shocked nobody really has. maxim is easily one of the most interesting characters to come from this series IMO
anyway it's a mostly good game. insanely good movement, spell fusion is FUN (windfist and boltbook <3), and the enemies and bosses are quite delightful to me. music and visuals are like nothing else, and either that's your thing or it's not. (i like it!) unfortunately the map sucks and is way too big to justify there being two castles. last half took me a while to get through for this reason alone. not much else to say, pretty good overall

has to be seen to be believed. Earnest Evans!

this was the game i really thought i had a chance at but the dark awake gamers are too crazy! they're really out here studying a-cho videos! went 0-2 @ combo breaker.

i love asking people to play random games with me on fightcade, especially when they actually agree to it. not as bad as you may have been led to believe! sure, being forced to play "canon teams" is pretty backwards if you're familiar with the rest of the series but i think the actual gameplan synergy between teams is kind of great? i'm a big fan of the women fighters team, because of course i would be, why wouldn't i? happy birthday king....

also, believe it or not, went 0-2 at combo breaker. probably the game i felt the best at though, it's fast paced but the pressure and combos are really easy and i honestly think anybody could be good at this game if they put a little time into it.
for clarification: my reviews got removed because they were all the same. sad!

the thing not even the haters will tell you about this game is that the movement and level design are just as bad as the writing

limitover isnt on igdb?? give me one second
(edit: it's there now!)

EDIT - redoing this review. originally had a big one typed in, then i closed my tab like a dingus, then i made a short review that sucked.

Mata Nui Online Game is one of my favorite games ever made and is easily the best non-literary work to have come from the BIONICLE "series". the way that Templar Studios managed to realize the world of BIONICLE and nail its identity this early into the toyline's life cycle is simply astonishing. atmosphere drips from every corner of every screen in this Myst-esque adventure. as an introduction it is flawless; the island's idiosyncratic inhabitants effortlessly exposit in a way that is neither patronizing nor completely obtuse. the animated cutscenes, in spite of any "flash jank", are so well-directed i'd say they give any game from this era a run for their money. the music is tragically compressed all to hell but one can argue this only helps enhance the atmosphere. i think this is just a wonderful title and i'd readily recommend it to anyone interested in this series.

every possible bit of praise that gets heaped on this game couldn't even be enough. it really is something so completely special, a game whose magic has never quite been recreated despite countless attempts. every nuance to the control, every inch of the map, every enemy and boss, all packed with so much detail, so much love and care. they really, truly, do not make them like this anymore. Symphony of the Night, to me, is the perfect video game.

i can actually log this one because i jsut booted this up for fun but ended up beating arcade haha
it's weird seeing tk3 characters and animations with ps2 graphics but it's not a bad fit, i wish they made a proper "HD" version of 3 in this style! this game's cool tho, great roster and probably my favorite soundtrack in the series. hwoarang is my best friend he is so cool