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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 14, 2022

Platforms Played


Time to call it. Got a genuine kick out of Biohazard after decades of mostly avoiding the Resident Evil series and hit the ground running here. Same first-person engine, same mechanics - there was nothing not to like! And yet, after only a few enjoyable hours and without making it through the Lady Dimitrescu section, I lost all will to press forward, to finish the fight. Weeks turned into months, months turned into a year, and I've only started and abandoned half a dozen more games since this one. I'm a mess! So yeah, time to acknowledge a failed effort and return this disc to my disappointed but patient friend. For me, Ethan's journey ends in perpetually being stalked by the tall vampire lady. Maybe he's happy. A veritable sea full of horny Deviant Art suggests that he should be!