When a game makes you pull out some graph paper to take notes on like a mad man you know it’s good

There is so much I could say about this game and Final Fantasy VII as a whole but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to find the right words. Rebirth is an incredible game that would be absolutely perfect with a couple of changes, but I’m still more than happy with the final product. Final Fantasy VII forever baby!!!!

The general aesthetic and character design is super cute, but I didn’t enjoy much else. The platforming felt stiff, the character writing felt kind of samey, and there were so many glitches I lost count. I can see the love put into this game, but I don’t think it stuck the landing.

An incredible SRPG and now one of my favorite narratives in the entire Final Fantasy series. It can be hard as hell at times but half the fun is figuring out the solution to each battle, and the variety of the job system makes these solutions endless. The ending felt a little rushed to me, but I still thought it was a nice conclusion. Great game!

A game I wish I liked more. After beating chapter 15 I lost the motivation to finish, but I’ll most likely come back to wrap it up down the line. The maps weren’t very exciting, the characters were not very memorable besides a couple standouts (Rutger the GOAT!!!), and I didn’t care for the story despite enjoying it in FE7 quite a bit. Overall I don’t think it’s bad, but there isn’t enough going for it to keep me engaged.

I enjoyed my time with Pikuniku! It’s a cute and funky little game whose shortness is doing it a lot of favors. If it was any longer I feel like the funny physics and platforming would’ve gotten old. The game is really charming, and like Minit and A Short Hike it’s definitely made me appreciate short games more.


Super charming adventure game that only takes roughly 2 hours to beat if you aren’t trying to find all the collectibles. The visuals, sound design, writing, and music all come together to create a lovely little experience, but the short length left me wanting a little more.