Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

14 days

Last played

May 30, 2024

First played

September 28, 2023

Platforms Played


There is a lot of potential here. It feels great so far - movement is a little weird but I'm assuming I'll get used to it, and shooting feels better than it did in GO. As it stands, though, CS2 only has basic content (even this couldn't escape the main issue plaguing multiplayer game launches) and their method of stopping the playerbase from going back to GO means that it is currently impossible to access CSGO's rich history of custom maps. I'm assuming that this is temporary - as well as CS2's current lack of a workshop to share maps and UI to play them - but even then, it sucks that they're inaccessible and might be for a long time. It also looks like achievements in CSGO were wiped, which is a bit of a bummer.
CS2 will likely be a great (maybe even the best) addition to the Counter-Strike series. In the meantime, we have to wait.