Don't fuck it up

AKA Games I really want to be good but I am too jaded and cynical to think that'll be the case

Things will be removed after they are played. Mostly this list is for remakes and remasters which is apparently half the shit companies need to release cuz the new shit aint cutting it. No game industry, you don't get a please. You have lost that ask after what you've pulled

Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero
We have an actual name now but my original statements still stand

Don't make it super competitive focused. I have been potentially corrected on laucnh roster as it could be 164 which is 3 more than bt3. Please have my girl Videl in at launch

Have at the minimum z and super's stories along with the what if/movie. I'd love if OG dragon ball got representation but no one cares about og dragon ball unfortunately. I don't care if we've gone through them a million times. Have a world tournament mode. I want a good amount of single player content.

There is potentially no local splitscreen but NAruto storm connections had it despite not listing it so theres hope

They confirmed they're treating transformations as thier own characters so half the roster is gonna be goku, gohan and vegeta...

Don't fuck it up Bamco
Jurassic Park: Survival
Jurassic Park: Survival
There was like 10 seconds of actual footage in the trailer and I'm not a fan of it needing to be first person but I've just wanted another dinosuar survival horror game for like 20 years now. Can easily be fucked up, especially if it overstays its welcome like Alien Isolation.

Don't fuck it up saber
I want this to do well so I can keep calling capcom fucking dumb ass idiots for not bringing back dino crisis
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater
The fact they're using the old voice lines puts a lot of my fears to rest about changing characters and story, but lets see how you do the gameplay.

Please have a visible lifebar. Fuck that immersion nonsense

Don't fuck it up, Konami
Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered
Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered
I can only imagine what could be done to this

Don't fuck it up Grashopper
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 2
I already don't like you, Bloober team. If you fuck this up, and I don't know how you would, but if you do you're being added to my ever growing game dev blacklist.

DON'T YOU LAY A FUCKING FINGER ON THE STORY after the shit you pulled with The Medium.

Don't fuck it up, you joke of a dev

Wow this from a recent article SURE doesn't make me think they fucked it up. "Silent Hill 2 will be the first title out of Bloober Team 3.0, the studio focused on action-first, mass-market horror games." These troglodytes think if a game isn't a walking sim it isn't psychological horror
Suikoden I & II HD Remaster: Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars
Suikoden I & II HD Remaster: Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars
You are trying to get goodwill back a lot these days konami. You need to nail Every. Single. One. of them

I want to like you again like I did in the 90's to mid 2000's

Don't fuck it up Konami


11 months ago

Sadly, the Metal Gear Solid Master Collection: Vol 1 doesn't include everything on cart/disc and has a required download. Already fucked up and not even released yet. 😭

11 months ago


Thats only on switch as far as I know. The playstation version (which is the one I intend to get) has no such warning on their site last time I checked. Maybe those bonus videos will be but the games are all on that dic

11 months ago


That's awesome news, I'm hoping for the best.

9 months ago

Like a dragon gaiden multilanguage release (with englih) has appeared, off the list.

5 months ago

@AWACS_Lucio Revenge of King Piccolo on the wii is pretty good imo

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