Top 10 games I played in 2022

Self explanatory and in descending order. You'll notice some of these games aren't listed in the "recently played" for 2022 and that because they are not playstation 4/5 games and don't do timestamps. I've played WAY more games this year than you see there, like Shadow Hearts and Wild Arms, but I don't remember the days so I left those blank. This is for games I have started and finished for the first time in said year that wasn't a replay, otherwise Resident Evil 4 and Metal Gear Solid will be on the list every year

A game I had started a long time ago but never got far in. Restarted it this year and went the distance. We don't get many if any space jrpgs anymore do we?
So this is the start of the crossbell arc everyone loves? Can't say I fully see it but maybe I need the sequel to get the full picture. Small scale story but thats always nice once in awhile. Some parts of the Cold Steel games make more sense now.
While I'll always prefer the combat from the original trilogy, don't agree with its masterpiece status, the final boss battle's climax was more subdued than I would have liked and I think the game should let me spend more than 10 seconds looking at a puzzle before giving me a hint, I can't deny the game's general fantastic quality. Improved upon my gripes with the first game, which mostly was the claustrophobic camera in combat.
I had played the the first game on ps1 but never the second. A quaint little game and I can see why its so beloved.
The other game the double kickstarter got me to play. This was a series I had known about beforehand unlike Shadow Hearts and it wasn't what I expected. Way more standard fantasy than western. I'm such a nerd I geeked out at all the Toho kaiju noise use and could place them.
I have to thank the Penny Blood and Armed Fantasia kickstarter for getting me to check out the original game. What a unique experience, dark, macabre, transforming into demons. Was pleasantly surprised since I never heard of this series before.
I can't believe I lived to see another good 3d Sonic game
I don't like strategy gameplay but I do like Digimon. MetalGreymon GOAT always
This game was going to be the last chance I gave FromSoft to keep me coming back after not liking Bloodborne and Sekiro along with my gripes towards Dark Souls 3, and with me just becoming tired of what the souls series has done to the industry. Funny how armor actually working and being able to dual wield ultragreatswords can make me have fun in an open world horse adventure when I can't stand this game type otherwise.
I've never had a game make me tear up from just finishing it, and its not like its ending was sad. One of the best JRPGS I have ever played and an instant favorite


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