You'd probably guess that I'm ten years old giving a LEGO game a 5 star rating and calling it one of my favorite games. I don't think many people would agree with me after they play it., but I can guarantee that you would have a great time. I just have a place in my heart for LEGO games. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but I find the majority of them very enjoyable, even as I play new ones. Maybe if you have nothing to do next Saturday, spend a couple bucks and try this out. You might not walk away a changed man, but you will most likely have a good time, especially if you have a brother.

I have to thank my friend Isaac for introducing me to this masterpiece. After he had first explained the concept to me, I have to admit I was a little put off. But I looked into it and I was interested. I bought the game at full price FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS. After over 100 hours I can say that this is in my opinion the greatest game ever made. I'm not going to go in depth and talk about the world design, art style, combat, charm system and everything else that you've probably heard a thousand times. It's just a great game and you should try it.