Log Status






Time Played

25h 18m

Days in Journal

13 days

Last played

March 26, 2024

First played

March 9, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Note that I have no nostalgia associated with this game.
I played Majora's Mask right after Ocarina of Time with high expectations, and man was I disappointed. Maybe this game is not for me but getting through it was a chore and not fun at all. Let me get the good aside - the music is great - not as impactful as OoT, but still good.

Now lets get to the bad.

1. Time Gimmick: I was excited to see how the time gimmick would work out, but over time I felt it was just a hindrance. It is the most annoying thing when you are in the middle of a dungeon and you are running low on time. I get that its supposed to convey loss when you reset, but it was being more painful than anything

2. Dungeons: God, these are some painful dungeons. I hate how they play, and they are so much more tedious than OoT's dungeons. Plus the assortment of dungeons feels so random. There is no uniformity to them. OoT managed to create some sort of connection between the dungeon themes.

3. The world: While Clock Town is great, Termina field just looks out of place. It looks like a biodome the way the terrain and geography suddenly changes from canyons to snow. It looks out place and unpleasant in my opinion.

4. Repeated Content: While I don't care much for the repeated assets from OoT, the amount of repeated ideas is insane. This is kinda spoilery, so read at your own risk. We have the same follow Dampe/Deku Butler puzzle, Gerudo Valley Women/Pirate Fortress Women puzzle, using Ocarina songs for everything, Zelda's Lullaby being replaced by the Song of Healing, Lost Woods/Woods of Mystery trying to find the correct path, Mirror Shield/Sunlight puzzles - the list goes on. It kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.

5. Jank controls - I played it on the 3DS, and holy hell this is a pain to control. Z-targeting doesn't work half the time, and trying to look in a different direction is a pain in the ass, especially when the dungeon design expects you to look at various different angles.

6. Forgettable, horrible bosses - All the bosses in this game are no fun. Twinmold was one of the worst bosses I have fought, and Gyorg was extremely janky. The final boss is meh, its better than all the other bosses, but nothing spectacular.

7. Fairies in the dungeon: This is a horribly executed mechanic. I have a time limit to beat a dungeon, and on top of that you expect me to find these stupid fairies? Not once was I able to find all of them, I have no clue what these even do. I just gave up after a point.
Overall, I am very, very disappointed with this game. Maybe I am comparing it with OoT too much, or maybe I went in with very high standards, but this game just isn't it.