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1 day

Last played

January 18, 2024

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Fun fact! I bought this shortly after release and am only now finishing it, a little over two weeks before the release of Infinite Wealth!

Anyway yeah, this is a stellar 'One of These'. Like A Dragon knocks just about everything out of the park, from the brand new RPG gameplay to the substories to the side activities. Standing back and looking at it as a full package, this is without a doubt one of my favorite games in the series.

My only real issues with it stem from the sudden difficulty spike and need to grind near the tail end of the game. If you've played it, I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about. I was also a bit disappointed that Sotenbori and Kamurocho were so empty in comparison to Ijincho, but it's not like you really spend that much time there anyway so I can let it slide.

Story is great too, it's probably the most invested I've been in one since Zero. Anime bullshit aside (I still don't quite get the deal with Mirror Face lmao) it's super touching and I think Ichiban is the perfect kinda guy to carry a story like this, dude's got a lot of heart and is pretty much the perfect blend of silly and serious. I might even be as bold as to say I prefer him to Kiryu!!

Glad I finally took the time to play this the whole way through, and I'm incredibly excited to get my hands on the next one very soon!!