holding a wiimote and nunchuck and standing in the middle of your living room is literally the most enjoyable experience of all time disregarding even playing the game. The rubber protector thing for the wiimote alone was like a toy in itself. All of these games take place in perfectly idyllic isolated worlds populated by spectators that don't care about anything outside of the game you're playing, the UI feels like an ad for a new community college or smth... I don't know whether it's the fact that I was a child when this was released or if this actually is the perfect distillation of the innocence of childhood in game form. Feels like a demo for real life

I weep to imagine another timeline where Heisei Pistol Show was part of the RPG Horror wave of the early 2010's and became universally loved and remembered as one of the greatest independent games of all time. Imagine how different culture would be if Heisei Pistol Show got the same opportunities that Yume Nikki did

[Edit] video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jc0sQwJG3iA

imo this is the most effortful/interesting of Parun's games that haven't been translated to English yet. Weird mix of strategy/life-sim where you spend each day in town casing different houses to find kids to scare, and then come back at night and use what you learned during the day to collect their screams. You can definitely feel the Parun-ness coming through in the world and dialogue of this game, in parts it actually kind of reminded me of Space Funeral. Would love to see this translated someday

I think I'm starting to realize that all of my favorite games are one degree of separation from being interactive wallpapers

hard to say whether this is better than FF7 but it definitely aged 100x better. Very well done english translation, some of the best pixel art of the era, tons of iconic moments and twists that haven't been beaten to death. The battery in my cart died when I was 15 hours into this game and I lost my save so I think I'm just going to stare at my wall every evening from now on instead