Log Status






Time Played

17h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

September 7, 2023

First played

November 4, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I never really minded Sackboy's floaty and slightly sluggish movement in his 2D outings, but there's something about moving across the Z-axis that feels like you're wading through thick soup. Maybe it's the perspective from the camera angles being used but I was never really able to build up any momentum on those kinds of levels which for me is a hallmark of an enjoyable platformer. Not to say I disliked every 3D level, but I found the game a lot more enjoyable when it returned to LBP's sidescrolling roots.

Even with the movement issues I found some things to like in the later level designs and challenge trials - this outing really does follow the Mario formula of starting easy and then throwing the hardest levels at you as optional content or once you've finished the main story which is a sensible way of doing things, but the majority of those early levels feel rather uninteresting as a result, something especially noticeable given the speed at which Sackboy can move.

Also a final note of praise for the audio team for how well implemented the music is to each world you're dashing about in, whether it's an original piece or a remix of licensed music.