if destiny is a coke that lost all its fizz, warframe is coke mixed with vodka that your friends slip on your table, free of charge


this is the mod that had the domino effect on my life, I still can't decide if it was for good or bad.

groot containment chamber

those pesky redditör larpers at the interwebs thought they could capture the same feeling pr got on a fully destructible environment that is frostbite, but they forgot to add sovl, which means no 10 minute trips to the battlefield with your buddies on your Zastava 900AK while playing your favorite arabic tunes in radio for all your commanders to hear (bad), and it also requires premium pass for some reason, let's be real folx, only thing that can kill pr is pr. (obv this is written for the bf3 reality mod, no idea why this game entry exists when og pr is still going on strong)

the chinese guy who has a multiplayer lobby playing yagyu 24/7 will probably sit on the bottom of the senran kagura iceberg for millennia to come, dude is a fucking raid boss

Best Arabic Nasheed ever 2013

backloggd schizoposters are my favorite kind on the internet

i remember playing the piano in this one

xXxGeNeRaTiOnxXx (Çevrimiçi)
🎧 Athena - Maskeli Balo

they didn't even pretend to support the wheel this time, incredible

just play caves of qud at this point