Hey, finally a horror platformer that I liked!

The Missing isn't without faults; the movement is kind of sluggish and janky at times, the pacing isn't amazing, and I had to google a couple puzzles, but when put next to something like Inside or Little Nightmares? How is this game not more popular??

The reason this game works for me (and why Inside and Little Nightmares don't) is that it places human emotions at its core. When the MC is put into peril in Inside, there's no gravity to it because you know pretty much nothing about him besides that he kind of looks like a boy and that he's being chased by some monster. There isn't an emotional anchor and therefore there's never a moment where it feels like you're doing anything other than just controlling him on screen--why should I care for this faceless, nameless collection of pixels? It's all atmosphere and no bite.

The Missing goes against these (frankly, awful) genre conventions and makes a game where the main character is an actual character! You don't really have to be anything like J.J. to get something out of her story because the emotional depictions here are so visceral that you'll empathize with her regardless. It honestly makes me wonder why the hell every other horror platformer isn't doing shit like this (even though I know the reason is because of how huge Limbo got lol)

I could get into specifics of some of the things this game does that are really cool, but I think it's better if gone in as blind as possible. If this game looks interesting to you, definitely give it a shot, especially considering how low of a time commitment it is.

Reviewed on Jul 13, 2022
