(game 6 of me going through this list by selecting games at random)

Pretty stylish but really unintuitive and just generally not a very good puzzle game. It's often impossible to know what the player character will do on any given frame without trial and error (will they go down the stairs or continue past them? will they go up or down the ladder? etc), and sometimes you can't even tell what order the panels will be in (particularly an issue once panels can start rotating).

Functionally, it's just kind of a worse Gorogoa. I wonder if this inspired that, given this came out a couple years before. Having the "panels" be more temporal rather than physical (if that makes any sense) does lead to it being a fair bit more confusing and less intuitive as a puzzle game. Doesn't help that a good 70% of the puzzles are dead easy, about 15% are at a proper difficulty, and 15% are just hard as balls for no reason, not as a result of a gradual difficulty curve, but just kinda placed randomly throughout the game.

Still a neat concept, and it wasn't particularly long, so I'll probably check out the sequel anyways.

Reviewed on Dec 16, 2022
